Thanks to their superior educational training and their accumulated professional experience, the translation team at INOVA TRANSLATIONS provides translation services in various fields in/from over 30 languages.
Is the information you seek available in another country, in a language that you don’t know and, therefore, you cannot access it?
Do you need to transmit an ad or technical, legal, economic or marketing information to your partners in their language?
Do you need an interpreter to assist you at an important reunion or conference?
Birth certificates, marriage certificates, criminal records, drivers’ licenses, identity documents, residence permits, employment records, high school graduation diplomas, Bachelor’s Degree diplomas, postsecondary school diplomas, transcripts of records, curriculums, occupational skills certificates, syllabuses, summons, enforceable titles, certificates, purchase agreements, powers of attorney, protocols, cases, official documents, notices, legal texts, decisions, assignment documents, etc.
Translations are legalized at a public notary office with which our company collaborates. A separate legalization fee is collected for each legalization.
European legislation
Legal texts
European regulations
Aside from the cultural, linguistic or specialized terms for which every translator must find a solution, a translator in the legal field deals with specific issues regarding the legislation of each country, the legal proceedings and the different institution structure. These issues make the translator’s work more interesting, but also more demanding.
Hence, the main challenge results from the fact that oftentimes there is no equivalent in the target language for terms or legal notions found in the text to be translated. The translator must avoid using terms which are similar, but which have different meanings in their mother tongue.
The experience that our translation team has in this field assures you of a legal translation which captures precisely the specific provisions in the language in which the translation is made.
documents of a commercial company, balances, invoices, payment orders, statements, decisions;
files for participating in auctions, financing files, leasing documents;
projects for financing programs, income statements, crediting terms;
account activity reports, insurances, auditing reports;
import/export invoices, customs statements, transport licenses, etc.
Our translation team understood the communication needs of the clients. They are prepared to help the clients at any time with translation and interpreting services, which are necessary in today’s ever so competitive society.
For a company which operates at an international level, success is guaranteed by the company’s proper communication with its clients. If the company does not transmit the messages in the desired form, it risks losing before its competition.
If your company has the capacity for fulfilling the client’s needs and requirements, but has trouble communicating with them in their native language, allow the translators and interpreters at Inova Translations to maximize the potential of the company using the commercial translation services we provide. These services will allow you to overcome the language barrier, which could bring you in new clients in new markets that you haven’t considered yet.
articles, etc.
Translation is an art, not a science. Being able to express accurately meaning, emotion and nuances requires more than simply transferring information from one language into another. It requires understanding, knowing, pondering, conveying.
These are the stages which experience taught us to observe in order to obtain an optimal translation. We have turned them into values!
The energetic field, the electrical field, constructions, the oil industry, the vehicle industry, etc.
tender books, user instruction manuals;
protocols, licenses, technical instructions;
vehicle registration certificates, drivers’ licenses, vehicle registration documents;
warranty certificates, technological processes, brochures;
maintenance instructions, labor safety documentation;
land register maps, building permits, urban planning certificates, etc.
For technical translations to be completely successful, they must bring together the excellent knowledge of the languages from which the translation is made and a mastering of the field of the translation, so that the obtained translation conveys the technical content with clarity and precision.
Our technical translators are selected so as to have professional experience in the respective domain of activity, aside from holding a certificate for the respective language.
diagnoses, medical files;
specialty manuals;
medical certificates;
patient information leaflets;
practice licenses;
lab test reports, etc.
Medical translations are, perhaps, the most specialized translations of all. For an accurate rendering, they must be performed only by translators qualified in this field. Hence, for complete success, we only use translators specialized in the medical field, either doctors or persons with extensive medical training.
Why do we only use translators with certified medical studies for medical translations?
It is not enough to simply know a foreign language in order to translate texts concerning the medical field. The most important aspect in the translation field is that the text must be understood before being translated. We all know how difficult it is to understand a medical text, be it a lab test report or a patient information leaflet. This is why it is almost mandatory that medical translations are performed by translators who have medical studies. Our translators with medical training know the usual medical terminology, as well as the specific medical language.
If you have to translate diagnoses, health records, specialty manuals, medical certificates, patient information leaflets, medical prescriptions, practice licenses or lab test results, INOVA TRANSLATIONS can help you better understand the content of these documents.
software, websites;
software projects;
user manuals, phone manuals.
We are currently witnessing the greatest technological changes ever, which we experience as pressure: to know more, to produce more, to optimize, to continuously streamline. We feel the advantages and benefits of the new technology and we continuously improve our ability to use it, thus obtaining achievements. At the same time, we feel the disadvantage of software, software projects and user manuals for various machines which are presented only in a foreign language.
On the other hand, we are aware of the need to become known as service providers or product suppliers in various foreign countries whose official languages we don’t speak, but whose citizens might be a part of our target group.
Inova Translations meets the need for these IT translation services through a team of translators with experience in the field and who are prepared for any type of software or web design translation.
More than any translation, interpreting!
Foreign citizens who do not speak Romanian and who have to draw up legalized documents such as statements, powers of attorney, purchase agreements, etc., or who want to get married or who have to appear before the Romanian authorities need a certified translator/interpreter for that language, even if they are accompanied by persons who speak Romanian.
Are you faced with a business meeting, negotiation, auction, delegation, seminar, presentation, conference, symposium, congress, press release, political speech or other social events where you need to be convincing in a language you don’t speak?
INOVA TRANSLATIONS provides consecutive and simultaneous translation services.
Consecutive interpreting may be performed either at the client’s office or at any other location chosen by the client. Our interpreter masters the language and has fluency in speech and therefore guarantees the transmission of the message from one speaker to the other as correctly as possible.
Simultaneous interpreting shall be provided when there is a need to transmit the information simultaneously to multiple participants at a certain event.
For interpreting services, either consecutive or simultaneous, the interpreter requires a period of several days in order to become acquainted with the theme of the event, as well as to study the materials presented and the specific terminology used.
Due to the reasons stated above, it’s preferable to submit interpretation requests at least five business days before the date of the event.
Do you want to use a document abroad and the foreign authorities asked for it to be apostilled or superlegalized?
In general, an apostille or superlegalization may be required when:
- you want to get married abroad,
- you want to enroll for studies or to become employed in a different country,
- you want to obtain foreign citizenship,
- you want to drive someone else’s car abroad (the power of attorney or bailment agreement shall be apostilled).
More information on the apostille or superlegalization procedure can be found here.
Do you need to verify and correct translations made by other translators? Our translators are at your disposal in order to ensure the maximum quality of the translation.
If the translation we receive contains numerous mistakes, which would involve making major changes in the text, the client shall be advised to have the text translated again by our certified translators.